
State of decay marcus
State of decay marcus

state of decay marcus

So if you want be a good Samaritan, make sure you've got enough ammo first. IMPORTANT! If you accept to give him the ammo but you don't have the five required crates currently in stock, the mission will fail and it will stop the storyline. You can also refuse to give him the ammo, the succeeding missions will still become available. The stranger you gave a ride needs some ammo, his farm is about in the middle of the map, go there and donate five crates of ammo. Go to the Wikersons farm and give a stranger a ride. Head up to the Wilkerson farm and confront Job. When they've thinned out you can get out of the house and just beat and molotov them, they'll generally pay more attention to the windows than you.

state of decay marcus

Board up the windows and try shooting the zombies between the boards. Get a gun with high fire power and clip size, stock up on plenty of ammo and healing items and head to the farm. You'll need to defend the Wilkerson farm from several hordes and at least one Big un zombie. This intense mission is about getting the doctor for Ed. Drive right next to the graveyard for the smoothest ride. You can drive a car through the forest behind the church for a shortcut to their farm, just drive carefully and look out for any steep falls. The Wilkersons live up and to the right of the church where you establish your first real home base. Having "missing survivor" missions might impede other missions from popping up, so get those survivors home! The Wilkersons ( The old farmhouse )

State of decay marcus