
Emperor battle for dune
Emperor battle for dune

Advanced carryalls and Ordos Deviators can be used to move enemy units to that location. Enemy carryall with a loaded harvester counts as one unit. AI sometimes ignores it or moves all units to the point at speed of the slowest unit. Retreating takes 3 minutes or when 10 enemy units are moved to the retreat point.

  • AI hasn't got enough money to build a refinery.
  • emperor battle for dune

    The enemy AI retreats when their last spice refinery is destroyed and these conditions are fulfilled: Cutting power slows down unit recruitment, but not base building speed and also disables turrets that require power. Objectives in the first, battles chosen on the map and homeworld missions in the campaign is to destroy the enemy base by destroying all buildings(Exception in next sentence) or making the enemy AI retreat. Unless the balance changes matter, 1.8 or 1.9 should be chosen for a speedrun because of features added and non-helpful bugs fixed. It also adds features to the interface such as picking a ready building with "E" and setting rally point for refineries and construction yards.

  • 1.8: Has two game balance changes of Atreides Air Drones speed & armor decrease and Harkonnen Devastators doing splash damage with their plasma bullets.
  • 1.7: Has no gameplay changes but adds attack move order(CTRL+Shift) and double selecting group centres the camera on the group.
  • There are multiple versions of this game:
  • 3.2 AI priority glitch(Wall encasement).
  • emperor battle for dune

    bag file have these, and some effects from SFX. These sound effects have a lot of static, but still retain some of their original sound. I dunno what the differences are, but that is the main difference between working and non-working files.ĮDIT2: taking a look at some other files, I also found files with "Type: 12", and "Starting value: 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x0". voice files have "Type: 28" and "Starting value: 0x0 0x0 0x2 0x0" correct wave files have "Type: 6" and "Starting value: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0"

    emperor battle for dune

    I guess that the voice files are either compressed in some other way, or there's some kind of trick we seem to have missed.ĮDIT: using the properties window in BagTool, I noticed more: mix file, and see what kind of info it gave there. for some reason I tried to dump the file in a.

    emperor battle for dune

    When I tried to make the header files the same, and then play the sound, WMP crashed It also looks like none of the data bytes makes sense when compared to the normal file. if you use a Hex editor and compare it with a working sound, you'll see that the header is off. if you import the voice file into Audacity or any other sound editor, you get a static sound. Attach signature (signatures can be changed in profile)īeen fiddling with stuff, and here is what I found:

    Emperor battle for dune